Torch Body, AQ22A, TIGZONE L=168mm
Torch Body, AQ22A, TIGZONE L=168mm
Torch Body, AQ22A, TIGZONE L=168mm
Amperage - DC (A) | 250 |
0.8% ZIRCONIATED (WHITE) EWZr-8/WZ8 Principal Oxide: 0.7–0.9% Zirconium Oxide Non-Radioactive. Best for use in Alternating Current (A/C) for aluminum alloys and magnesium alloys using inverter or transformer based constant current power sources. Balls well, handles higher amperage than pure tungsten with less pitting, better arc starts and arc stability than pure tungsten.
Switch TIGZONE MG Handle
Spannhülsengehäuse Gas Saver LD