Wolframelektrode 1.6mmx175mm, LaYZr, Chartreuse
Wolframelektrode 1.6mmx175mm, LaYZr, Chartreuse
Wolframelektrode 1.6mmx175mm, LaYZr, Chartreuse
Our TIG torches of the TIGZONE AQ-24 series are optimally used when application areas are difficult to access – and this thanks to the extremely small profile size. The well-balanced and lightweight torch body makes even complicated applications such as welding cylinder heads for cars and motorcycles, headers or collectors…
2% THORIATED (RED) EWTh-2/WT20 Principal Oxide: 1.7–2.2% Thorium Oxide Radioactive. Best for use in Direct Current (D/C) applications using transformer based constant current power sources. Best for use on non corroding steels, titanium alloys, nickel alloys, copper alloys. Good D/C arc starts and stability, medium erosion rate, medium amperage range, medium tendency…
Current Nipple